1.This handheld stone slab lifteris designed to transport granite. marble. engineered stone slabs. These lifters have a compact design allowing them to operate in areas where little headroom or space between slabs is an issue.
2.rubber on the clamps ensures the stone will not be damaged. These clamps can carry up to 2.200 lbs…
3.The handheld stone slab lifter application for material thicknesses of 15 to 60 mm. with the rubber line jaws developed to handle material in slab or sheet from stacked in racks. without damaging the material’s surface.
- Size
- Being of a compact construction. the Slab Lifter allows for close packed stone slabs to be lifted out of racks and containers. Lower height slabs placed along side of taller slabs offer no problem. as is the case with scissor clamps.
- Versatile
- for construction work. Because the clamping mechanism is to the front of the slab. they allow panels to be placed close against walls.
- Safety
- Requires only a small movement of the slab to engage and grip the slab. which is generally well below the over balance angle thus eliminating the danger to the operator.
- Secure
- It grips marble and granite slabs firmly.
Brand | Momo |
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